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Summary: What can you immediately do on CrowdCover?

â—ˆ Sign up for the "Amazon" Marketplace (FREE)
â—ˆ Join the waitlist for the Entertainer Marketplace-
    â—ˆ As a entertainer & brand

What is the CrowdCover Marketplace?

Our Marketplace serves as the "Amazon" for the sports betting industry. Since the repeal of PASPA, there has been tremendous growth for operators and coincided with this has been the explosive growth of consumer tools.

Right now, bettors have to find your companies through social media or high ranking in SEO. This is not efficient for the companies or the consumer, resulting in a sketchy discovery process. A neutral, trustworthy central hub to list all the vetted companies allow for consumers to have the confidence to subscribe to your company.

Marketplaces in every industry have proven to induce more sales and consumer trust- we'll sound like a broken record, but our #1 goal is to create more customers for your company. Any ideas how for us to improve, let us know!

We are not competitors.
CrowdCover only promotes all the tools, analytics, articles, & picks. We do not provide our own.

Why not have your company listed?

Most importantly for you:

â—ˆ FREE (for the time being)- no risk to get listed as any subscribers sent your way will be free of any commission fees. Eventually, we'll enact our fees and send you all the legal paperwork & contracts. We'll always be transparent and will give plenty of notice before we start enacting any fees.

â—ˆ Don't let the competition get a leg up! Just as eCommerce sellers cannot afford to skip out on Amazon, why let your competitors have easier discovery over you?

â—ˆ Checkouts will still occur on your website, our job is to make the consumer process as seamless & trustworthy as possible.

Our #1 priority is to create more customers for you, while reducing your marketing spend!

The Marketplace isn't the only tool we offer to you. 
Read below about our Live Streaming Platform on how you can connect with and grow your audience, and monetize by improving your CPA and retention affiliate marketing with betting platforms and by getting sponsored by brands.


Submit Company For Marketplace

*All companies must be vetted before receiving access to be listed on The Marketplace.

Each category has its own vetting process. I'm sure you appreciate the need to weed out any greasy characters.

Need Info Edited? Submit Request Here


Partnerships Are Available

Reviews, Promoted Banners & more

Add your email to get the latest CrowdCover updates, reach out for a partnership, or have any questions answered. We're here for you.

About CrowdCover

  CrowdCover is a neutral platform for sports bettors and the sports betting industry. There are several main features detailed below. Our goal is to provide sports bettors with the convenience of having every available, and vetted tool/ platform/ company in one single place.

We're here to be complementary to you. We are not competitors. We are not offering our own tools, analytics, articles. We are here to promote your company, talent, & content.

We want to get you more customers/subscribers!

  FREE? At this time, CrowdCover is not charging any affiliate marketing fees to any company that wants to be listed on The Marketplace. This eventually will change, and all companies will receive a notice & pricing when it goes into effect. 

Why CrowdCover?

The Marketplace

  Quite simply there was a void for a central location for the sports betting industry. We want to make life easier for you to connect with your potential customers. You shouldn't have to rely on social media marketing, getting clout from your profiles, and SEO rankings.


  CrowdCover streamlines the discovery process as our filters allow bettors the convenience of finding exactly what they're looking for in a hurry. A great example is from another newly legalized vice industry- the cannabis industry with Leafly. A central distribution, informative, neutral platform helping legitimize and educate the population. 

Live Streaming

Live Streaming Platform

Sports Betting is an inherently social activity

Live Streaming is already widely popular and growing: 

Daily: Over 250 million viewers

Monthly: Over 970 million!

Influencer Profile Page (5).png

Schedule your

rooms & partnerships ahead of time.

Influencer Profile Page (5).png

Don't limit yourself to just before the game.

The in-game time frame is there for the taking.

Influencer Profile Page (5).png

More revenue streams to monetize!

A medium made for you to grow your brand.

  CrowdCover's Live Streaming Platform brings together the sports betting industry with a proven and successful medium of communication. Our live streaming rooms are made for sports bettors. Live odds, live stats, and many other interactive and social features!

Entertainer Marketplace

Entertainer Marketplace

The first influencer marketplace for the sports betting industry

  • Entertainers, comedians, former athletes, celebs, handicappers, and your company can get listed

  • Collaborate with sportsbooks, dfs platforms, and brands for another way to monetize your audience!

  • List and maximize all your company's 'talent' 

  • Host live streaming rooms to:

    • Grow and build a greater connection with your audience

    • Strengthen your rev share retention proposition with sportsbooks and other betting platforms

Your company has the ability to both be listed as an: entertainer and brand

  • Entertainer

    • Receiving affiliate revenues from both betting platforms and brands​

  • Brand

    • Hire other entertainers to host live streaming rooms promoting your products​

    • Have in-game analytics and tools? Talk to us on integrating your software right into the live streaming room!

  Get listed on the first ever Entertainer Marketplace for the sports betting industry! Join the waitlist and have the ability to host sponsored rooms. Betting platforms are looking to have more efficient methods of marketing and the social community you provide creates direct action for the platforms. It's a win-win for you and the platforms, while viewers receive entertainment!


  Social communities drive more action for the betting platforms and that's why it is imperative that we preach and practice responsible gambling to the viewers. For your own reasons as well, it is more beneficial to not have viewers consistently coming back so it doesn't help anyone to have them lose their bankroll in one night. There is a real opportunity for setting the precedent on how responsible gambling can be done and focusing on the entertainment value of sports betting and community.

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